Vernon waving from top of Cape Hatteras Light

Dinner at Chownings

Chownings Tavern in Williamsburg

The old Bruton Church, Williamsburg
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
went to church there, dates from 1715.

The old Bruton Church in Williamsburg
We went to the "Evensong" service there.

Cemetery at Bruton Church

Ron and Joan getting directions from a local

Vernon and Jeannie at the Governors Palace

Vern and Ron keeping an eye on the grill at
Davis Lakes Campground, Suffolk

Davis Lakes Campground, Suffolk, VA
Left Sunset Beach, NC and drove to Ahostey, NC
and stayed in the Walmart parking lot. Left there
about 10 a.m. and drove to Suffolk, VA. - Davis
Lakes RV Park.
From there, we went to Williamsburg, Cape
Hatteras, Chesapeake Bridge/Tunnel, and
Virginia Beach.
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